*I am very happy with the way the year is going so far.
*My focus on the word TOGETHER has been a complete success, granted we are only on day 15 of 2013:) BUT it's good to be positive! I need more family time, kid time, husband time and our efforts to make that happen are going well.
*Miss Bridget is OBSESSED with the color purple.
* I am two days away from Lasik Eye Surgery= NO MORE GLASSES!
*We flip flopped the toy room and my "office" AGAIN, see HERE and HERE...I am currently pleading my case for a Loveseat, we'll see how long it takes for Matt to give in;) I VERY RARELY find furniture I REALLY like, so I am gonna stick this one out! I'll post pics once my vision comes to life:)
chat soon! kristina
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